The County has recently seen freshly cut American elm branches at the Gwynne transfer station. Our Horticulturalist, Nicole Lancaster, wanted to provide everyone with some information about pruning elm trees.
It is unlawful to prune elm trees between April 1- September 30. Elm bark beetles (EBB), the vectors of dutch elm disease (DED), are active between these dates and can be attracted to the scent of fresh tree cuts, possibly infecting a healthy tree. Elm bark beetles are one of the largest spreaders of DED. These beetles can hitch a ride on infected elm firewood and be carried by unsuspecting campers and homeowners. It is illegal to bring elm material into Alberta from a DED infected province such as Saskatchewan. If you go camping, do not transport firewood. Alberta has the largest DED-free stand of American elm in the world.
How do I know if I have an Elm tree?
- branches are narrow and v-shaped (looks like a martini glass).
- leaves have jagged edges, an asymmetrical base and prominent herringbone veining on both sides of leaf.
- bark is deeply grooved and grey in colour.

Not sure if you have an elm? Send photos or call Nicole Lancaster at 780-352-3321.
Signs of DED (Dutch Elm Disease):
- drooping yellow leaves
- branches without leaves
- brown wilted leaves still attached to tree
Report all suspect infected trees immediately to the STOPDED Hotline 1-877-837-ELMS (3567).
Remember: Do not store elm logs.