The POTABLE and NON-POTABLE water at the Gwynne Truck Fill is now operational but due to Alberta Environment and Parks regulations, an Air Gap MUST be maintained between the hose and tank being filled. This Air Gap will prevent cross contamination from the hoses as well as prevent a back siphon condition. The county is recommending truck fill customers build an ABS or PVC pipe extension piece 6” in diameter or greater. The length of the extension piece will vary from customer to customer depending on different tank height set ups. The flexible blue and green truck fill hoses are set to approximately 10’ above ground level. As shown in the photo the extension pieces can be supported with threaded rod. We will be moving the overhead hoses more east towards the center of the driveway to help different pickup truck and trailer units position themselves underneath the hoses. We apologize for the confusion this has caused.Please contact the Utilities Foreman at 780-387-6317 if you have any questions.