TAKE NOTICE the County of Wetaskiwin Council will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers (County Administration Office, 1.6 kilometres west of Wetaskiwin on Highway 13) on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. to seek input regarding the following proposed road closures:
- Bylaw 2024/13 whereby the portion of road allowance on the East side of NE 32-44-22-W4M is to be closed to public travel and sold.

- Bylaw 2024/14 whereby all that portion of Road Plan 6900 AU lying within NE 05-45-22-W4M is to be closed to public travel and sold.

- Bylaw 2024/15 whereby the portion of road allowance on Rge Rd 232 from Twp Rd 470 South 1 mile & Twp Rd 470 from Rge Rd 232 West to the creek, SE 02-47-23-W4M, is to be closed to public travel and sold.

- Bylaw 2024/16 whereby the portion of road allowance on the top of the slope crook road portion of Twp Rd 474 of NW 23-47-23-W4M is to be closed to public travel and sold.

- Bylaw 2024/17 whereby the portion of road allowance on the West side of Plan 8821298; Block 6; Lot 1 is to be closed to public travel and leased.

At the Public Hearing, any person claiming to be affected by the proposed closure and lease may ask questions or make their views known. Documents pertaining to the proposed closure and lease may be viewed at the County Administration Office.
Passage of the bylaw will be subject to the approval of the Minister of Transportation and Utilities, Province of Alberta.
Written submissions will be accepted up to the time of the hearing and should be addressed to the undersigned at the County Office.
Christy Menzies, Tax Clerk
County of Wetaskiwin No. 10
P.O. Box 6960
Wetaskiwin, Alberta
T9A 2G5