Planning & Development Policies

The Municipal Government Act under Section 638.2 requires that municipalities must list their planning documents and how they relate to each other on their website. The tabs below contain a list of the County of Wetaskiwin’s planning policies and relevant bylaws. 

  1. 61.1.1 Approach Installation
  2. 61.1.2 Typical Farmland Values for Subdivision Reserve Allocation
  3. 61.1.3 Procedure for Administrative Approval of Simple Subdivisions
  4. 61.1.5 Re-Subdivision in Multi-lot Subdivision
  5. 61.1.6 Requirements for Area Structure Plans
  6. 61.1.9 Performance Deposits for Approach Construction
  7. 61.1.10 Guideline to Determine Inclusion of Strip of Farmland
  8. 61.1.11 Requirements for Sewer Service at Named Lakes
  9. 61.1.12 Commercial and Industrial Development in the Highway 2 Corridor 
  10. 61.1.13 Design Guidelines and Construction Standards
  11. 61.1.14 Requirements for Resource Extraction Operations
  12. 61.1.15 Pavement and Per Lot Road Contribution Fee 
  13. 61.1.16 Certificate of Compliance and Real Property Report
  14. Offsite Levy Bylaw
  15. Dog Control Bylaw
  16. Business Hours Restriction Bylaw
  17. Waste Water Bylaw
  18. Rural Addressing Bylaw


61.1.1 Approach Installation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set regulations for proposed and existing approaches.

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